Six Soccer Moms You’ll Meet This Season

I never aspired to be a soccer mom.  It just kind of happened.  My kids wanted to play, so we signed them up.  We started in the church recreational league, because it was easy and convenient with 3 kids wanting to play.  I needed someone to have practice on the same night and at the same location.  And I am fully aware that none of my children will be pro athletes – so it was a good fit.  And then I had one who seemed to really excel in the sport so we moved her to a competitive league. The combination of fall weather, and outdoor games, were right up my alley.  Lugging camping chairs and blankets to practices and games became second nature.  Signing up for snacks after the game are a requirement. We are about 6 soccer seasons in.  I am officially a “soccer mom”.

But not all soccer moms are alike.  There are 6 kinds of soccer moms you may meet this season:

1. The pro soccer mom.  These moms hold the team together.  They guide the moms who are new to the soccer mom gig.  They have t-shirts made with their child’s name on the back (or front) including bling, and tell you where you can get your’s and how much it will cost you.  They put together the end of the season team party.  They coordinate the snack list.  These moms are soccer royalty.

2. The busy soccer mom. This mom has filled her plate a little full and will need your help getting her child to/from practice and games.  You will probably need to switch snack days with her.  And you will definitely need to save her a prime seat at the game because she will be late.

3. The reluctant soccer mom.  She goes, she enjoys, but she’s not going to be screaming from the sidelines, or coordinating anything, or wearing a t-shirt.

4. The “I think I’m the coach” soccer mom.  This mom will be screaming from the sidelines, probably the entire game, at any and all of the players, both on her team and the opposing.  She played soccer back in the day. You try really hard to not sit by this mom.  And you feel really sorry for her child.  And maybe her husband..?

5. The talkative soccer mom.  You just want to watch the game.  But this is her social hour.  So  when  you end up sitting by her, you master the art of “uh huh’s” while keeping your eyes on the field.

6. The “my child is the star” mom.  Every team has this mom.  Because there is usually someone who outshines everyone.  And that is perfectly okay, right?  Because everyone has different gifts.  But you will tire of her endless praise of her superstar child.  And the best thing to do is agree with her, smile, and cheer her child on.  She obviously needs the kudos.

One thing all these soccer moms have in common – they love their kiddos.  They enjoy their time on the sidelines, and you’ll miss them all when the season is over.

Happy fall soccer season fellow soccer moms!!!




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Amy is an Oklahoma City Native who is the mom of 3 kids ages 14, 11, and 9 and married to her college sweetheart. She ditched Corporate America and her accounting career in order to pursue her creative side and keep up with her kids. She is the author of the blog JustFinishStrong where she blogs about food, family and fitness. Coffee, a scenic run, her border collie, Izzy, and exotic chocolate are a few of her favorite things!



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