Like many of you, this was a year of simplifying for my family. We carefully waded through piles of our unused belongings and made our goal living with less. Our oldest son (who is the king of hoarding lids...
First off, let me just say that I am SO fortunate to have been able to breastfeed two babies until they were a year old without complication. I do really enjoy the convenience of being able to feed my...
Anyone with kids in childcare knows this sentence: "Sick children need to stay home until symptom-free for 24 hours." I have 3 kids. Sometimes one runs a fever for 2 hours and is fine for the rest of the day....
My husband and I went into marriage knowing that we would adopt our first child. When we were ready to start growing our family, we contacted an agency and we were sent a giant stack of paperwork. We were...
"So what do you DO with them?" -everyone ever, when they find out I work with toddlers on speech and language. As a practicing early intervention speech pathologist, I get a lot of questions about language stimulation that parents can...
I started this whole pumping journey 8 years ago when my first son was born. Let me start out by saying that each time I pumped for my kids, I had a slightly different experience, but reflecting back on...
For four years straight, I was either pregnant or nursing. Last month, I weaned my second child from nursing, and guess what? I don’t feel sad at all. Before you gather your friends and march to my house with pitchforks, hear...
Well, it happened. Our first child lulled us into a false sense of security, and we decided to have another. After spending much time laying in bed (thanks, morning sickness) while my toddler watches episode after episode of Daniel...
I know you mean well. I know you're just trying to convey the joy you think you experienced when you were pregnant decades (or maybe even a year) ago.  I get it. I really do.  But if you tell me one more time to "enjoy this...
As a new mom, we often enter motherhood with expectations of what life will be like with an infant. Then once our baby is here, we’re plunged into the ocean's depths, trying to figure out how to navigate this...
I'm new to this mom game. Growing up babysitting in my small town, I thought I would have a general idea of how to raise a baby. And, yes, I can feed, change a diaper, and get my little...
Fifteen years ago, I was tired. I was a new college student learning that my mother was no longer around to help navigate my sleeping schedule. I was the one responsible for going to bed at a reasonable hour and...

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