4 Ways to Embrace “Hygge”

Hygge. You may have seen this odd word as you scrolled through Pinterest or Instagram and wondered, “What is that?” or, more likely, “How in the world do you say that??”

Pronounced “hoo-gah,” hygge is the Danish art of creating joy and coziness in life’s everyday moments, whatever the season or time of day.

Sounds amazing, right mamas?

But, if your life with kiddos is anything like mine, it’s not always rainbows and hygge. Creating joy might even sound like another chore on your never-ending to-do list.

So, what can we do to (easily) achieve hygge in our daily lives?

1. Grab a Blanket

It’s that simple. Keep blankets within reach of your sofas and armchairs, and never miss an opportunity to cuddle up – alone or with loved ones. My 19-month-old loves to “get cozy” with a faux fur blanket while we read stories or watch “D Tiger,” as he calls it.

2. Share Well-Wishes

I’ve always loved to receive mail, and as a writer, I want my son to know the value of the written word. That is – the hand-written word. Take time with your kids to write or make postcards for loved ones. Even if they live in the same city and you see them every day, your friends and family will cherish those personal greetings, and you’ll derive a sense of joy in sending them!

3. Get Sentimental

We all have a box of keepsakes in the attic or hidden under our beds. Take out the old family photo albums or quilts or other objects that tell a story, and put them in a place of honor, where you will see or use them every day. Too often we put these things away in a “safe” place, but they’re forgotten. Our children won’t know the stories unless we tell them, and we won’t get joy from them unless we see them.

4. Share the Hygge

Host a hygge night! Pajamas and fuzzy socks are required. Think all things warm, cozy and kind. Make friendship bracelets, drink hot cocoa and watch a feel-good movie. Enjoy comforting snacks and the company of loved ones.

Call it hygge, self-care, being present, enjoying the little things – whatever you call it, do more of it. Find what gives you joy, and enjoy it.

How do you hygge, mama?

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Lisa Lloyd
Lisa is a mother of two and a lifelong Oklahoman who loves plants, shopping local and enjoying her neighborhood, the Paseo Arts District. Her son Alden is 4 and a master Lego-builder. Her daughter Anona is 2 and knows her mind. Lisa is an Enneagram 1, a nurturer and a connector; always ready to be of use to a friend in need. A former PR/marketing exec, she now works part-time from home, is a Beautycounter consultant and writer for a local magazine. Lisa is on a journey to live a healthier life for herself and her family and share what she learns with others.


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