Shilah Seale

Shilah Seale
Hey all! I’m “mommy” to six kids and “babe” to their incredible dad. But my friends just call me Shilah. I am a “native” transplant to Oklahoma, meaning I was born in Norman (BOOMER SOONER, baby!) but grew up an army brat moving from place to place. I spent most of my “growing” years in Maryland, where I graduated from high school and college and met my husband who was a marine stationed at the Naval Academy at the time. I knew I was going to marry him five minutes into our first date, and actually told him that our second date. Surprisingly, he didn’t call me for a third date…..When he moved to Arizona to become a police officer, I stalked, I mean, moved there too. It took me three more years to convince him that he was NEVER going to get rid of me. We were married in 2005. A decade and several moves later, we are six kids heavier and about one spilled drink away from the insane asylum most days. I homeschool our children, “ages” moody (preteen), goofy (9), sensitive (6), sassy (3), busy (1), and toothy (9 months). My husband works crazy hours as an Oklahoma City police officer. I am extremely proud to be a law enforcement officer’s wife but it can be a lonely, scary title to bear at times. However, I love a man in uniform and still think he’s HOT. Our life is a beautiful mess of structure and chaos. And our family motto is to make weird look awesome. When I’m not bribing kids to do their school work or changing another diaper, I like to breathe and sleep. And if I have time after that maybe read a book or write. I listen to Christmas music all year long, love the color yellow and lighting things on fire (legally, of course). I absolutely hate onions, cooking, and being cold. I can be very OCD about everything, which works really well with six kids. Not. I believe in time outs and have been known to put myself in one from time to time. When I grow up, I would love to write a book, own a Christmas tree farm, and have a bull in the rodeo circuit.

7 Reasons Why Your Stretchmarks Are SEXY

  Ah, summer. The season for BBQs, pool parties, iced tea, and of course, the dreaded swim suit. If you’re a mom you probably approach this season with the same excitement you have for getting your teeth...

Mind Your Manners: 7 Manners to Teach Your Kids

The other day I heard my three year old barking orders, as she routinely does, to her six year old brother. "Carry my baby!" "Pick up that blanket!" "Put down her bottle!" "Hello? Are you listening to me?" I...

The Secret Language of Moms: Mommy-isms

Last year about this time, I was very pregnant, very tired, and very, well, lazy.  I didn't feel like dealing with much beyond getting out of bed or off the couch.  My kids pretty...

The Birth of My Sixth Baby {Mother’s Day Series}

{{Brea Delane Seale}} Even as I write this, the roller coaster of emotions comes flooding back to me.... Fear. Excitement. Peace. Frustration. Heartbreaking Sadness. Completion. It was supposed to be an easy birth.  This was my sixth labor.  And all five of the...

Groceries on a Dime {Buying More, Spending Less}

Times are tough right now. People are being laid off. Salaries are stagnant. And prices are going up everywhere, on everything.  Two income homes are becoming one income homes and families are struggling with how...

The Mommy Wars….It’s Time to Call a Truce!

I remember all too well the first time I went to “battle” with another mom. It was in my postpartum suite, less than twelve hours after laboring for more than eighteen hours with our first...

Raising Our Girls in a Miley Cyrus World

  She was beautiful. Her long, blonde hair was pulled into a messy bun on top of her dainty head. Her skin was golden, evidence of lazy days spent being kissed by the sun.  She was...

For Better Or For Worse…A Mommy’s Vows

Sweet Child of Mine, I vow to love you as you are, unconditionally and without judgment.   I promise to love you for who you are now-sassy and sweet, funny and fearful -and for who you will...

My Not So New New Year’s Resolution To Love Myself

For Christmas, my son got a color by number book. You know the ones - you’d meticulously paint all the 1s red, all the 2s blue, all the 3s yellow, and so on. During...