Monthly Archives: March 2015

Mom’s Learners Manual: The Chapter on Sleep

We had our first baby last summer and when they told us we could go home, I thought to myself, "Are you sure? You're...

The War on Beauty: One Mom’s Fight Against Worldly Standards

Recently, I asked my 6-year-old daughter what it meant to be beautiful and her response made me sad. She thought for a moment and said,...

He’s Not Babysitting, He’s Parenting.

"Oh my gosh! You're out! Who is with the baby?" "That's so great that your husband will babysit!" "Oh goodness, what does he DO when he's...

Its Pizza Night!

Friday nights have evolved into pizza night at our house.  It's how we kick off the weekend.  Mom doesn't have to cook, and movies,...

An Open Letter to My Unborn Son

It hasn’t been long since I found out you’re going to be in this world, but it feels like I already know you. It...

April Fools: For Kids!

I don't know about you, but I have always enjoyed a good prank!  Much to his dismay, my husband would be the first to...

The Bunny Money System: Teaching the Value of Time &...

What I have happily coined "The Bunny Money System" came about from my desire to want to teach our children about the value...

When Being a Mom is Hard

We all have them. Do me a favor.  Stop.  Re-read that sentence.  Ok, now read it again.  One more time, and emphasize the ALL. We ALL...

Balanced Beauty.

Since becoming a mom, my time is divided amongst a variety of priorities, as is my budget. Accordingly, I have streamlined my toiletry and...

6 Simple Ways to Help a NICU Family

Bringing a baby earth side isn't always sunshine and rainbows, sometimes it's gray skies and rain. Leaving your baby in the NICU is hard enough...

When Do I Let Go?

I am a rookie mom of a middle-schooler.   My oldest is in the 6th grade.  Almost immediately I saw the changes in him....

Top 5 Ways to Simplify Your Life

Are you drowning in the clutter and disorganization of your home?  Do you never seem to have enough hours in your day?  Are you...